Professional experience

The important ones

A screenshot of Gapsmoov's Explore page
A screenshot of Gapsmoov's Comparator page
A screenshot of Gapsmoov's Evaluate page

Gapsmoov (2020 - now)

In summer of 2020, with the help of two of my friends, I was contracted by two long time consultants turned entrepreneurs to build an e-learning app from scratch. They come from the world of business-focused cultural training and identified (correctly) that the existing solutions were old and painful to use so together we built Gapsmoov.

They contracted the original design from someone else but I build the entire app solo with Sapper and KeystoneJS. I would be lying if I said that the code turned out perfect but we haven't felt the need to increase the team even though we're still adding features regularly!

A screenshot of GetMunch's home page
A screenshot of GetMunch's desktop menu page
A screenshot of GetMunch's mobile cart page

Get Munch (2019)

Two Irish friends and I started a late night snack delivery business in the suburbs of Dublin before it was cool (I swear we had the idea much before those apps became ubiquitous). I built the entire app out of Vue 2, Stripe & MongoDB and my friends handled the marketing like champs. Sadly we didn't manage to stay alive on account of us being young, poor and bad at business.


Other things that people use, but for free

A screenshot of the Repair Cafe's home page
A screenshot of one of the Repair Cafe's backend pages
A screenshot of the Repair Cafe's repair backend form

Repair Café Frangy

Repairing things is really fun, stimulating, sometimes surprisingly easy and it's even better when we do it together! Makes you wonder why we don't do it all the time. Weird. Repair Café is an organisation that helps local groups of people to repair their stuff together, and because online life is real life too that one needed a website so I made one!

Then we noticed that keeping track of all those broken/fixed/dismantled gizmos is hard so now that website is also kind of a barebones, purpose built CMS. Data is currently stored in Notion so that we get a bunch of features for free.

A screenshot of's home page
A screenshot of the 'Subscribe to Youtube Playlists' extension's features
A screenshot of the 'Better Youtube Interactions' extension's features
A screenshot of the '' extension's features

Browser extensions

One of the core reasons I love the web is that it is open and editable by default. Every website's UI and UX are ultimately just suggestions and with enough effort we can make it whatever we went it to be. Crucially, it can and probably should be different for every person. I'm going to make my modifications anyway, so I might as well makethemavailable for everyone too.


Learning through making games

A screenshot of Webcells's home page
A screenshot of a Webcells puzzle called 'Nuclear Butterfly'
A screenshot of a Webcells puzzle called 'Hex', in the original Hexcells color scheme


Hexcells is a trilogy of hexagonal puzzle games that sucked in my partner and I for a while. I liked the mechanics so much that I tried to make a web version with really polished UI/UX. Life happened and it's not entirely finished (yet!) but I'm pretty proud of what came of it.

A screenshot of the Sokoban game
A screenshot of the Sokoban level editor


Sokoban is that genre of puzzles where a guy pushes boxes onto objectives. I wanted to get better at animating things moving on the web so I made a very barebones prototype. Also it has a level editor but now way to play the levels 🤷‍♂️.

A screenshot of a grid of Multisweeper


What if Minesweeper but the mines have a color? Turns out it's quite fun! I'm pretty proud of the UX of this prototype (try clicking on cells that have the requisite amount of flags around them but still uncovered cells) even though the flagging is a bit rough with 4 colors.

A screenshot of the game of Vitruvius


What if two games, but at the same time? One player plays Tetris on one side and the other plays Breakout next to it. The catch is that they're both playing on the same board: the Tetris blocks (called minos) can be broken by the Breakout ball from underneath. The goal is to get the ball from the bottom of the Breakout board all the way to the top of the Tetris one without losing first. Link

The name comes from the fact that you're only handling circles and squares and that reminded me of that drawing of a man by some guy. I also discovered that every single thing about Tetris is designed and guidelined in excruciating detail in a surprisingly long document.

A screenshot of a completely undone Calibron puzzle
A screenshot of completed Calibron puzzle

Calibron 12

One day I found a video about an old puzzle. It linked to a very extensive document about that puzzle. I like making puzzles so now it's on the internet. The video (and its author) and the document are amazing and I'm not going to even try explain it better.

A screenshot of the game of Naga


What if Snake, but it's a dungeon crawler? The idea is so absurd I had to see if I could make anything out of it. Turns out there may be something there but the prototype's code got really annoying so I stopped. PIXI.js is cool though.

A screenshot of a game of Solitaire


I wanted to learn Vue 2 and I love making puzzle games. This one is pretty straight forward. Three friends and I lost 3 hours one evening just playing Solitaire to test this.


© 2023 Terry Gonguet